Information for Parents

Our School Day

Breakfast Club

The school offers Breakfast Club from 8am each morning



Morning session    8.50 – 11.50am

Afternoon session 12.15 – 3.15pm

Reception to Y6

8.55am – 3.15pm

​Children in the EYFS (Reception Class and Nursery) enter through the EYFS garden. The gates are opened at 8:55am. For children in Y1 to Y6 they enter school through the side door onto the playground. Doors open from 8:40am and children come into school as they arrive. There is always a member of staff on duty to take messages. The school gates close at 9:55am and registration is at 9:00am.

We are fortunate to have access to our school grounds from both sides of our playground. From the end of Tower Street although the school postal address continues to be Musgrave Street and Whitby Walk.

At the end of the day the children are collected from the same entrance that they went into school.

​Any children that arrive after the gates are locked must be brought to the front entrance by an adult.

Car Parking

FOR CHILDREN’S SAFETY please do not use the school car park when dropping off or collecting children. The car park is reserved for staff and those who have official business at the school

We appreciate that car parking can be a problem. The waiting limit on the school side of Tower Street is for one hour and is strictly enforced. There is no right to park at the Whitby Street entrance or the other side of Tower Street. The council allows 10 minutes for drop off/pick up at the beginning and end of the school day.


Our children wear their uniform with pride.

On Monday's when the children have PE they are allowed to wear heir PE kit all day.


Children in our school are expected to read every night not only to develop their understanding and fluency but to also develop a love of reading.

Children are expected to learn their age related  the times tables. All times tables should be learnt by Y4.

Each class teacher will set homework tasks such as research and presentational skills, revision of maths and English skills which help secure learning in class.

Children with Special Educational Needs

The school adheres to the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs.  As soon as staff feel that a child has Special Educational Needs they will talk to the parents and bring the child to the attention of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO).

Parent Feedback

Parent feedback is very important to us at St. Joseph's. If you would like to leave some feedback you can visit the 'Parent View' website here. Parent View is an on-line questionnaire and is the main source for gathering parents' and carers' views about a school when it is inspected. Parent View also gives parents and carers the chance to tell Ofsted about their child's school at any other time.